Showing 61–80 of 203 results

The Vegetation of the Oak Openings of Northwestern OH at the time of Euro-American Settlement, by Brewer, L.G., & Vankat, J.L. 24″ x 30″ (2001)

Vegetation of Oak Openings of NW OH at time of Euro-American Settlement..36′ x 46.5′ (2001)

Freshwater Mollusk Symposia Proceedings, Part I..edited by R.A. Tankersley, D.I. Warmolts, G.T. Watters, B.J. Armitage..Part II, P.D. Johnson & R. S. Butler (2000)

Emanuel Rudolph’s Studies in the History of North American Botany by Ronald L. Stuckey and William R. Burk (editors) 377 p.2000 (2000)

Ohio Crayfish and Shrimp Atlas by Roger F. Thoma and Raymond F. Jezerinac (2000)

Revision of the Nearctic Species of Polypedilum..(Polypedilum) and Polypedilum (Uresipedilum)..(Diptera: Chironomidae) by DE Maschwitz & EF Cook (2000)

Nymphs of the North American Stonefly Genera, 2nd Stewart and Stark, 1999 (1999)

Catalog of the Neotropical Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera), by..Oliver S. Flint, Jr., Ralph Holzenthal, and Steven C. Harris (1999)

Generic Key to the Adult Ocellate Limnephiloidea of the Western..Hemisphere (Insecta: Trichoptera), by David E. Ruiter (1999)

Myxomycetes of Ohio: Their Systems, Biology, and Use in Teaching;..Harold W. Keller and Karl L. Braun (1999)

American Stoneflies: A Photographic Guide to the Plecoptera by Stark, Szczytko and Nelson, 1998 (1998)