OBS Books
Showing 81–100 of 188 results

Larvae of the Genera Triaenodes and Ylodes..(Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) in North America..by J. Glover (1996)

The Eleodes of Baja California (Coleoptera:..Tenebrionidae) by Charles Triplehorn (1996)

The Adult Limnephilus Leach (Trichoptera:..Limnephilidae) of the New World by David E…Ruiter (1995)

Larvae of the Caddisfly Genus Oecetis (Trichoptera:..Leptoceridae) in North America by Michael A…Floyd (1995)

Annotated Bibliography of the Reproduction and Propagation of the Unionoidea by G. Thomas Watters, 1994 (1994)

The Owlet Moths of Ohio (Order Lepidoptera, Family Noctuidae)..by Rings, Metzler, Arnold, and Harris (1992)

Frontier Botanist – William Starling Sullivant’s..Flowering Plant Botany of Ohio (1830 -..1850)-OUT OF PRINT (1991)

The Tiger Beetles of Ohio (Coleoptera:..Cincindelidae) by Robert C. Graves and..David W. Brzoska (1991)

Open Water Cladocera of the Little Miami Drainage Basin by B. Diana Zimmerman and Jerry H. Hubschman (1990)

The Algae of Western Lake Erie..by Clarence E. & Celeste W. Taft (1971 (Reprint, 1990))

The Vascular Flora of the Glaciated..Allegheny Plateau Region of Ohio by..Barbara k. Andreas (1989)

Abundance and Distribution of the Birds of Ohio by Bruce G. Peterjohn, Raymond L. Hannikman, Jean M. Hoffman, and Elliot J. Tramer (1987)

Behavioral Ecology of Red-tailed Hawks, Rough-legged Hawks, Northern Harriers, and American Kestrels in So.-Central Ohio by K.L. Bildstein (1987)