The Ohio Biological Survey (OBS) is an inter-institutional consortium of colleges, universities, museums, agencies, metro parks, arboreta, zoos, other organizations, and individuals in Ohio and the surrounding region. By cooperating with the professional staffs of membership, OBS produces and disseminates objective scientific and technical information concerning the flora and fauna of Ohio and areas of which Ohio is an integral part.
Constance Hausman is the Senior Conservation Science Manager at Cleveland Metroparks where she has worked since 2010. Her work currently focuses on understanding changes that occur in our natural areas due to forest pests and pathogens, climate change, habitat destruction and invasive species in order to rehabilitate our native forests through restoration and management. She earned her Ph.D. from Kent State University and both her B.S and M.S. from Bowling Green State University. Connie has also served as the Executive Director of the Ohio Biological Survey since 2017.
Frank received a combined BS/MS in Environmental Interpretation from the School of Natural Resources at the Ohio State University. For the next several years he worked as a Camp Counselor before landing a full time job at ODNR in the Abandoned Mined Lands program for the next 12 years. After the birth of their son, Frank became a full time stay-at-home parent for an additional 12 years. Once their son was out of elementary school, in 2007, Frank started work at a library. He retired in 2014. Frank has been OBS’s Office Manager since 2010.
To get in touch with Frank or with the Ohio Biological Survey office, you can email or call the office number (614-457-8787) and leave a message.
Gene Kritsky, a native of North Dakota, grew up with an interest in natural history. As a kid, he collected fossils in Montana and the Dakotas, and insects in Florida. As a teenager he was enthralled by Egyptology and greatly influenced by the writings of Charles Darwin. Kritsky received his BA in Biology from Indiana University in 1974, and his MS and PhD in Entomology from the University of Illinois in 1976 and 1977 respectively. He is the Dean of the School of Behavioral and Natural Sciences at Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati. He has been the Business Manager and Publications Director of OBS since 2011.