Jim Lane – Treasurer
Jim Lane is an award winning American wildlife photographer, naturalist and author who has contributed to an appreciation of wildlife and the natural world immediately around us. The son of an amateur nature photographer Lane continues and deepens that tradition. His view of the world zooms out to sweeping natural sunrises and zooms in to reveal the detail on a bird’s plumage. While he has been to remote locales like Galapagos and the Caribbean, he is also known for his dozens of photographic articles on wildlife you don’t have to travel to appreciate. He offers an in-depth, detailed look at what is often right in front of us and overlooked. He is the author of a book series on Ohio’s wildlife and his art graces homes across the country and you can find it @jblane001 on Instagram. His day job is strategy consulting for the firm he founded and leads: Redbank Advisors LLC.
My affiliation is www.redbankadvisors.com