OBS Survey Notes: a peer-reviewed publication (Open Access through Biodiversity Heritage Library)

Ohio Biological Survey Notes is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing works of natural history across Ohio.  These publications are made available here and listed by year.  In partnership with the Biodiversity Heritage Library, OBS Notes are available with Free Open-Source access here:  Details – Ohio Biological Survey notes – Biodiversity Heritage Library (biodiversitylibrary.org)

Additionally, other OBS public domain publications such as (pre-1927) are also through the Biodiversity Heritage Library.  See the catalog here: Search Results (biodiversitylibrary.org)

OBS Institutional Member Highlights
ODNR Division of Wildlife

In 2023, the Division of Wildlife celebrated their 150th Anniversary by strengthening partnerships for conservation focused on wildlife, habitat and people. Results from a recent survey reveal that hunting, fishing, target shooting and wildlife watching generate $12.5 Billion in revenue and 80,000 jobs in Ohio. High-quality wildlife resources and facilities stimulate the economy by inspiring people to participate in these activities.

Read the Annual Accomplishments Report HERE: Ohio Division of Wildlife 2023 Accomplishments and 2024 Initiatives cehausman@gmail.com – Gmail (google.com)


Recent Publications

In 2024, OBS published the following title:

A Naturalist’s Guide to the Odonata of Ohio 

In 2023, OBS published the following titles:

A Tale of Two Broods

Blackflies of Ohio

OBS Partners with Alliance for America’s Fish & Wildlife In support of Recovering Americas Wildlife Act

The Ohio Biological Survey recognizes the need to lend it’s voice and support of the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. This piece of legislation is needed to prevent more than 12,000 species of fish and wildlife from becoming endangered. Every American benefits when we have healthy and accessible fish and wildlife. It costs the American public hundreds of millions of dollars each year to restore threatened and endangered species, costs that might be avoided or greatly reduced if proactive conservation measures were implemented first. This is why OBS has partnered with the Alliance for America’s Fish & Wildlife Our Partners – Alliance for America’s Fish & Wildlife (ournatureusa.com)